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Configure Admin Settings

Modify or change system wide Admin settings.

Updated over 9 months ago

In this article we will cover off settings that apply globally to your JobHippo system. This includes things like Labour rates, business hours and region settings.

Accessing Admin Settings

To access the Admin settings click on the Cog Icon in the main menu. This will automatically take you into the main Admin Settings area. TIP: Some of the items have been covered off under different settings articles. Click here for the full list.

Company Settings

The main Company Settings is split into 3 main areas. The first area consists of key details about your business such as contact information.

General and Social

Here you can configure your basic information settings. Anything with a red asterisk is mandatory (this should have been added during initial setup but you can always change it here). The additional fields are optional but you can update them if you want. You can also change the system avatar by clicking the change button.

Region and Holidays

Here you can set your location and time-zone as well as business hours. This will have impact for scheduling, however dates and activity stamps in the system follows your Device/Browser settings.

The Business hours you set here will affect the "Work Day" view in the Calendar when scheduling jobs, as well as the "After Hours" rates below. Holidays can be added to also reflect in the calendar when scheduling.


In this section, you can modify your Financial Year parameters, your Company number as well as currency and Tax rates. JobHippo supports multiple tax types so you can add as many as you like. These can then be applied to individual line items on Invoices.

Tax Types

You can add tax types to reflect your tax requirements in your country. This could be a flat GST/VAT style or multiple tax types as required.


In the Rates area, you can define your base rates for cost and charge. This covers off Business Hours, After Hours and Travel time.

Labour Charge Rates

Here you can define the default rate for labour when it is added to a quote/job/invoice. These rates defined here are exclusive of tax and will be automatically applied when that work log type is added to an entity.

Labour Cost Rates

Here you can configure the cost of your labour rates. You can also include multipliers if you need to pay your team more after hours and on holidays. These values will be automatically pre-filled when the labour is added to an entity.

Charge Templates

These are covered off under the Job and Quote settings articles.

Document Templates

Configure and manage your global colours and headers related to document (export) templates. Changes here will apply to all templated PDFs and web-views shared from your system.

You can also click on the Templates tab and manage templates for individual entities (e.g. Jobs or Quotes). Those are covered under their respective settings articles.


JobHippo provides you with a number of out-of-the-box notifications that can be turned on and off you. You can find them here as well as toggles should you wish to turn them off.

Activity Library

This is covered under the Jobs and Quotes settings articles.

Inventory Library

Here you can pre-load your inventory items to use on Quotes and Jobs. These are items that you may regularly charge for; or simply need to account as a cost on your quotes and jobs.

Once an inventory library item has been added, it will appear in quotes/jobs/invoices as a line item that you can add. To create a new one, click the +Add inventory and fill in the template. The fields with the red asterisks are mandatory.


Tags are labels that can be associated to attachments to make it easier to sort and catalogue them. You can create as many tags as you like.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to configure your JobHippo system!

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