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Quote Settings and Configuration
Quote Settings and Configuration

Configure settings related to quoting

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will look at how to configure your quote related settings in JobHippo. Here is where you can configure your quote Types, custom fields and Activity Library. Please note that settings is a browser only function and cannot be managed in the mobile application.

Accessing Quote Settings

There's two ways to access the settings area for Quotes. The first way is to click on the settings icon in the main menu, then choose Quotes from the drop down menu.

The second way is to navigate directly from the Quotes workspace. You will see a Settings menu option inside the Quotes sub-menu.


Terms and Conditions

Here you can configure if you want a standard set of T&Cs to be shown at the bottom of all your quotes. If text is input into this box, then that text will be displayed on all quotes sent from JobHippo.

Auto-populating Quote Expiry Date

Here you can set a rule to automatically populate the quote expiry date based on either the quote expiry date or a fixed day on the following month after quote creation. Once enabled, that date will be automatically set on all quotes.

Quote Types

Quote types are a way to easily separate different jobs that may require different fields on them, or maybe simply for reporting purposes. By default, JobHippo provides you with a few types that you can utilise, however you can also create your own. These can have their own prefixes as well as specific fields that you may wish to include.

Managing Existing Quote Types

You can manage any of your existing types by clicking the view button next to the type you want to manage.

You will then be able to edit the name, prefix (the characters that display before the Quote ID) as well as apply custom fields. You can also set the type as the default one when creating a Job by clicking on the 3 dots and selecting "Set as Default".

Adding a new Quote Type

To add a new Quote type, click the +Add item icon in the main Quote type list.

You will then need to add the Type Name, prefix and add any custom fields you may want to associate to the job type. Once you're done, simply click the Save icon in the bottom right hand corner and you're done!

Custom Fields

With Custom Fields, you control what data needs to be displayed or collected on the quote. This could range from contact details, to crucial information that may be required to complete the quote or even compulsory information that needs to be communicated or captured.

These custom field groups can then be associated to different quote types as mentioned above.

Creating new Custom Field Groups

To create a new custom field group, click the +Add custom field group and you will then be able to configure your new fields. Make sure you input a name for the group first, then you will be able to add as many different fields as you like.

JobHippo supports a wide range of different field types and combinations, but please note that field names need to be unique and cannot be duplicated.

Once you have configured your groups, you can also configure permissions that govern who may be able to edit the fields once added to a quote. For example, you may want certain statutory data fields to be read only for everyone other than Admin users.

Document Templates

Here you can customise what the quotes look like when you share them to your customers or other users. You can configure a wide variety of different inclusions and exclusions depending on your requirements.

If you click view on the template, you will be able to toggle on and off various data display points for your quote exports.

Please note that changes made here are live and will affect current, past and future quote web view data visibility as they are all generated in real time.

Charge Templates

Charge templates can be used to determine what kind of items you may wish to charge for (e.g. Activities, labour, both or none). By default, JobHippo contains 4 different charge templates that you can apply. You can also alternatively create your own.

To create your own, click the +Add template link and then you will be able to fill out different rates.

By default, the Labour rates will inherit the system labour rates that can be set here. You can optionally over-ride them in the template (this can be useful if you have different rates for different customers or even different team members).

Once you have configured the template, you can optionally set any of them to be the default.

Activity Library

Activities can be used as a way to charge or complete specific actions on a quote. These could be fixed price items (e.g. installing a generic powerpoint) or they could be used to capture data related to an action.

You can optionally create activities straight on a job or a quote, but if you want to create them in advance, you can do them here by clicking on the +Add item.

Activities need a title, all the other datasets are optional and up to user preference or use case. If you do want to add in a result, you can do so by clicking on the results drop down and selecting a result type.

Most of the options don't require any further information, however the "List" Option will require you to add in the list items once selected. You need to add in all the items that you would like displayed in the list when the activity is being completed.

You can also optionally fill out the reference, unit charge (this is what will be chargeable on the associated quote/job when the activity is added and the charge template is set to charge for activities), Unit cost as well as the unit type.

Once you have filled in all the details, you can then click Create and that will save the activity to your library and can now be used on future quotes/jobs.

Awesome! You are now well versed in Quote settings.

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